The first few weeks were very challenging. Remote working, at this scale, was a completely new thing for us all. But, after a month or two, we slowly got into a rhythm and started to reorganise ourselves.
Meetings proved to be a sticking point as we all adjusted to working from home. Throughout this last year, everyone has been forced to arrange or attend a much higher volume of meetings than normal. This has been challenging, as the time left in the day to actually produce work has been compromised.
The solution has been to try and make these meetings as efficient as possible. As an example, the creative team has a catch-up on a Monday morning to discuss the week ahead and ensure everyone is on the same page. On Fridays, we’ll join for a longer session where we review the week’s work between us. Feedback on work has become even more important now that we are all working remotely.
Whilst it has been a very challenging time, I feel like everyone has coped really well throughout this crazy period. In fact, it feels like the team is delivering work in a faster and more concentrated way. I’ve been amazed at how well we’ve pulled together to keep producing great work remotely. In a weird sort of way I think we’re more connected as a team now, than before.